Take it or Leaf it!
Gardening & Eating Tips!
Know it. Apply it.
Short, Simple, and to the point facts and tips!

Three Main Macronutrients Your Body Uses
Carbohydrates- Used for energy in the form of Glucose(Simple Sugar)
Fat- Also used for energy but most important, fat helps absorb Vitamin A,D and E
Protein- The most important Nutrient called the Building Block of Life used for the most important of your bodies tasks
Benefits of Going Organic
More nutrients within each bite
Better for the environment
Safer for human and animal consumption
Healthier long term health
More healthy fats in meat and milk

Benefits of Zinc
Anti-oxidative traits which reduce Oxidative Stress within your body
Protects and boosts your immune system against many sicknesses and illnesses
Helps your body heal itself
Improves and protects your vision and heart
*Disclaimer: These are not recommendations and one should check with their family doctor before taking supplements of any kind
*Daily intake should be between 7mg-50mg/day depending on your diet and age
Benefits of Vitamin D3
Protection from cancers
Lower mortality rate from Covid-19 and other illnesses
Greater protection against diseases
Promotes bone, teeth, tissue and immune system health
*Daily intake should be between 400-800 IU/day or for most between 1000-5000 IU/day depending on your diet, age, and preexisting health conditions
*Disclaimer: These are not recommendations and one should check with their family doctor before taking supplements of any kind